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Building Awesome People Practices

  • There are many great practices for managing people, backed by copious research and data highlighting how they can improve your bottom line. Beware however of a one size fits all approach.


  • We know that the most effective people management practices are those that meet the needs of your business - its customers, people, size, growth stage, cash flow, culture, the industry it sits within and it's overall strategic direction.

  • We aim to:

  1. Understand the needs of your business and what outcomes you are looking to achieve

  2. Review what people management practices you currently have in place
  3. Identify both risk areas and value adding areas 
  4. Partner with you to implement the agreed areas


  • Ensuring people management practices are aligned with a clear and purposeful business vision, objectives and values, to build high performing, engaged teams and successful outcomes. 


  • Attracting, selecting and enabling the people with the skills and attributes to build your business sooner rather than later via a robust recruitment and onboarding approach. Limiting the risk of low performing, low engaged staff and the cost of high employee turnover and absenteeism.


  • Managing performance, conduct and conflicts effectively by creating, communicating and implementing processes and practices to address and resolve root causes and ensure staff are treated with respect and fairness and receive feedback and recognition for performance. Building a more engaged, harmonious workplace, where high standards of conduct and performance become the expected norm.

  • Identifying and providing development solutions for staff, managers and leaders and creating an agreed performance structure, enabling staff to grow and adapt with the needs of the business.

  • Managing flexible working practices and working from home, enabling business to attract and retain talent and build engagement and loyalty, by enabling staff to manage the many areas of their lives.


  • Supporting managers and staff through organisational changes such as a business acquisition via consultation, integration and outplacement support. Increasing the success rate of successful integration and maintaining a positive employer and business brand.


  • Attracting talent, engaging and managing a diverse workforce effectively via building awareness and implementing inclusive practices, increasing the opportunities for improved innovation, decision making, productivity and sales.

  • Effectively managing stress & mental health, in the workplace via building awareness and implementing practices to identify, minimise risk and increase speed of recovery.  With 1 in 5 employees likely to be experiencing a mental health condition in the workplace at any given time, this is not an area leaders and managers can afford to ignore.  

  • Effectively managing and understanding the reasons for staff separation whether initiated by the staff member or the employer via effective and respectful practices. Enabling feedback, improved practices, retention and positive employer brand. 


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